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Listen, Slowly: 8/10/15

Hi, this is Betsy from Otto's. You think this is hot? You should read Listen, Slowly, a young adult novel of an American girl visiting her parents' homeland in Vietnam! Mai was born in America almost 13 years ago. Her parents and grandmother had escaped Vietnam two days before the fall of Saigon. Her grandmother wants to go back to find her husband, or, at least find out what happened to him. The detective her family had hired has told them he found the man who had been her father's guard after he was captured by the North Vietnamese. Mai's father wants Mai to go to stay with her grandmother while he, a doctor, works in a clinic. Mai REALLY doesn't want to go-she'd been planning a summer on Laguna Beach "getting to know" the guy she'd had her eyes on. She is bummed, to put it mildly. But, she loves her grandmother and sees that if she doesn't accompany her, her grandmother will never find out the truth about her 'maybes.' Heat, Crowds with heaps of strange food, mosquitoes, culture shock, maturing under it all-read Listen, Slowly. You'll find it at Otto's, a booklover's paradise in the heart of downtown Williamsport.